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2017 APAA Annual Council Meeting

This week, Auckland, New Zealand, played host to the annual council meeting of the Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA). The principal objective of APAA is to promote and enhance intellectual property protection throughout the Asia region. The association includes approximately 2,400 members across 20 countries such as Australia, United States, United Kingdom, Japan, Singapore and many more throughout Asia.

The educational focus of this year’s conference put the spotlight on a number of rising digital issues, such as “The Ripple Effect of Content Going Viral and its Implications”, “Using Partial Designs and Copyright to Protect Icons and GUI Gadgets”, as well as discussing some more conventional topics such as Patent Eligibility.

In recognition of this year’s conference taking place so close to home, POF hosted a cocktail event at The Lula Inn on Auckland’s stunning Viaduct Harbour. We were delighted to have the opportunity to bring so many colleagues and associates together, and we’re already looking forward to next year’s conference.



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