Michelle Blythe
BBiomed MEng MIPLaw
Michelle has been promoted to Senior
Associate within our Electronics,
Physics & IT team. Michelle joined
Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick in 2014,
and primarily practices as a Patent
Attorney in the area of medical devices
and instrumentation. She also works
across a diverse range of technologies,
including electronic devices, electrical and mechanical
systems, software, life sciences, and physics. Michelle
provides client-focused and commercially-minded IP
services for some of the largest clients in the EPIT
group. She also assists a number of smaller SME clients
in protecting and commercialising their inventions.

Dr Leigh Guerin
Inspire July 2020
BMedPharmBiotech (1st Class Hons) PhD MIPLaw
4 Leigh has been promoted to Senior
Associate within our Chemistry and
Life Sciences team. Leigh’s work
focuses on assisting clients such
as research institutes, universities
and SMEs in protecting their vital
work in a range of biomedical
technologies and biologicals.

Leigh’s international research career in immunology
and reproductive biology provides him with strong
expertise in important medical technologies such
as immunotherapeutics and cellular therapies.

Dr Annabella Newton
MChem(Hons) MCommrclLaw - PhD AMRSC MRACI GAICD
Annabella has been promoted to Senior
Associate within our Chemistry and
Life Sciences team. Annabella works
with a range of clients including global
corporations, SMEs, start-ups and
individuals, providing tailored IP advice
aligned with their business objectives.

She has experience handling large
patent portfolios for multinational companies including
prosecution, queries, assignments, licenses and
amendments. She specialises in pharmaceutical
extensions of term as well as strategic patenting advice
and provides opinions on infringement, validity and
freedom to operate.

She also has in-house experience, having been
seconded to a leading Australian research organisation
several times as an IP Manager. Annabella is a strong
advocate for diversity and inclusion within the STEMM
sector and the patent attorney profession. She currently
serves on the board for Women in STEMM Australia.

Dr Matthew Overett
BSc (Hons), PhD Chem, MIP
Matthew has been promoted to Senior
Associate within our Chemistry and
Life Sciences team. Matthew’s practice
includes drafting of patent specifications
for Australian universities, research
organisations, corporates and SMEs,
advice on infringement and validity, and
prosecution of local and international
patent applications. Having worked in R&D and IP Manager
roles at a multinational chemical company and a large
research organisation, Matthew has in-depth insight into the
value that IP rights can bring to an organisation. His in-house
experience of developing, protecting and commercialising
innovative technologies enables him to provide pragmatic
advice to clients on securing their intellectual property.

Matthew’s industrial and academic background, and
drafting practice, have equipped him with particular
expertise in polymers, coatings and composites,
electrochemical, optoelectronic, medical and
mechanical devices, catalysis, reaction technology,
minerals processing, food processing, materials
science, printing, and oil and gas technologies.

New Senior Associates