Our services
From conception through to enforcement,
we offer the full suite of IP services.

Patents Trade marks
A legally enforceable exclusive right granted by
a government for an invention that is new, inventive
and useful.

A ‘sign’ that distinguishes goods or services
from those of other traders, such as any letter,
word, name, signature, scent or shape.

Whether you are an inventor, engineer, scientist, or
just someone with a great idea, having a patent will
help protect your invention and provide you with
a competitive edge in the marketplace. Effective
patent protection also enhances your commercial
opportunities, making it easier to seek investment
from prospective partners or licensees.

An effective trade mark strategy is crucial
to securing your competitive advantage in an
increasingly crowded marketplace. A carefully
chosen trade mark can be one of your business’
most valuable assets, boosting brand identity
and helping to differentiate your products
and services.

As a patent owner, you have the exclusive right
to stop others making, selling, importing, using or
otherwise exploiting the patented invention in the
country in which your patent is granted. You can
control the:
A trade mark that has been registered with the
trade marks office or trade marks registry is known
as a registered trade mark.

• manufacture of a patented product
• use of a patented product or process
• importation of a patented product
• importation of a product made by
a patented process.

How can we help?
Our patent attorneys will work with you to identify
the patentable aspects of your invention and
will prepare and file your patent applications in
countries of commercial interest. Being technically
and legally qualified, patent attorneys have the
expertise to ensure your invention is effectively
protected and enforceable in the countries where
your invention may be exploited.

We will then guide you through the complicated
patent examination and grant process. During
this time, we will monitor all aspects of the
application process, provide advice and action
recommendations, and will work to ensure that
the patent rights ultimately obtained address your
business needs.

A registered trade mark is a valuable asset for the
owner and provides a number of important rights,
including: • the exclusive right to use the trade mark in
relation to the goods/services for which it is
registered • the right to take action for infringement against
a third party using a substantially identical or
deceptively similar trade mark for the same
or similar goods/services
• the right to sell and licence the trade mark.

How can we help?
Whether you’re a business or an individual, our
trade mark attorneys can help you with all facets
of the trade mark application, registration and
enforcement process.

Our attorneys manage complex portfolios
with applications and registrations in multiple
countries, and attend to payment of renewal
fees and other government taxes.

Registered designs
The overall appearance of a product resulting from
one or more visual features, such as shape, pattern
or configuration.

If the appearance of your product is unique,
it may be worth protecting with a registered
design. Design registration protects the overall
appearance of a product, and can also act as
a deterrent to others who might want to copy
and commercialise a product with a similar
appearance. A registered design can also be a
good alternative for protecting a product
where a patent is unavailable or not warranted.

As the owner of an Australian registered design,
you will have the exclusive right to stop others
making, selling, importing or exploiting the
product that embodies the design. A design
registration lasts for five years and is renewable
for a further five years. It provides the exclusive
right to:
• make the product in Australia
• import the product into Australia
• sell, hire or otherwise dispose of the product
in Australia
• use the product in Australia
• keep the product in Australia
• authorise others to do any of the above.

How can we help?
We can help you with all aspects of design
registration, from advising on the registrability of
a design, through to the preparation of drawings
and design enforcement.

We will work closely with you to ensure that your
unique design is protected and your commercial
objectives are met.