<!-- #include file="config.ascx" -->
Dim job=Request.Form("job")
Dim yname=Request.Form("yname")
Dim yemail=Request.Form("yemail")
Dim fname=Request.Form("fname")
Dim femail=Request.Form("femail")
Dim emailSelf=Request.Form("emailSelf")
Dim emailFriend=Request.Form("emailFriend")
Dim message=Request.Form("message")
Dim url=Request.Form("url")
Dim bookmarks=Request.Form("bookmarks")
Dim notes=Request.Form("notes")
Dim msg=""
Dim subject=""

If job="sendtofriend" Then	
	msg=yname & " (" & yemail & ") sent you this article!<br><br><br><a href='" & url & "'>Click here to view article</a><br><br>URL:" & url & "<br><br>Your friend's message: " & message
	subject=yname & " sent you an article!"
ElseIf job="sendcomment" Then
	msg=yname & " (" & yemail & ") left a comment on your digital magazine page located at the following URL!<br><br><br>" & url & "<br><br><a href='" & url & "'> Click here to view article page</a><br><br>Your reader's comment:<br><br>" & message	
	subject=yname & " left you a comment!"	
ElseIf job="sendbookmarks" Then
	msg=yname & " (" & yemail & ") Emailed you these bookmarks for the digital magazine located at the following URL!<br><br><a href='" & url & "'>" & url & "</a><br>" & bookmarks & "<br>" & message
	subject=yname & " sent you bookmarks!"	
ElseIf job="sendnotes" Then
	msg=yname & " (" & yemail & ") Emailed you these notes for the digital magazine located at the following URL!<br><br><br><a href='" & url & "'>" & url & "</a><br>" & notes & "<br>" & message
	subject=yname & " sent you notes!"	
End If

If job="sendcomment" Then
	SendEmail(yname, yemail, fname, femail, subject, msg)
	If emailSelf Then
		SendEmail(yname, yemail, yname, yemail, subject, msg)
	End If	
	If emailFriend Then
		SendEmail(yname, yemail, fname, femail, subject, msg)
	End If
End If