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Australian Innovation Challenge Awards

The Australian Innovation Challenge awards opened this week with a total prize of $70,000. The goal of this challenge is to and encourage innovative ideas across a range of categories including health, education and IT.

The challenge is open to anyone, whether you’re an engineer, scientist or just someone with a really great idea. Teams can enter as well as individuals.

There are seven professional categories, and each one carries a prize of $5000. The overall winner of all categories will win $25,000.

For the general public, there is a separate ‘Backyard Innovation’ category with a $10,000 prize.

The categories are as follows:

1. Environment, Agriculture and Food ($5000 prize)

2. Health ($5000 prize)

3. Community Services ($5000 prize)

4. Minerals and energy ($5000 prize)

5. Manufacturing and hi-tech design ($5000 prize)

6. ICT ($5000 prize)

7. Education ($5000 prize)

Overall winner ($25,000 prize) – Only professional category entries are eligible for the ‘overall winner’  and category winner prizes.

8. Backyard Innovation ($10,000 prize) – Backyard Innovation entries only eligible to win Backyard Innovation prize.

If you are interested in entering this competition or know someone who fits the bill, please click here to find out how you can enter.

It is important to consider whether the appropriate steps to protect your innovation have been taken before disclosing your innovation/invention.  If you have questions about the right type of protection for your innovation/invention and how to obtain it please contact us.

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