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Australian IP Litigation Round-Up 10 May 2013

An Australian Intellectual Property Litigation Round-Up from the Commonwealth Courts portal as of 10 May 2013.

We advise our clients (whether as IP owners or as alleged infringers) and act for them in relation to patent litigation, trade mark litigation, registered design litigation, domain name, plant breeder’s rights, confidential information and copyright litigation.  Contact us here for more information on how we may be able to assist you.

In the past week, the following intellectual property cases were commenced in the week ending 10 May 2013:

File No. Applicant(s) Respondent(s) Type Details
NSD763/2013 Apotex Pty Limited Northwestern University & Pfizer Inc. Patents Originating Application filed 8 May 2013
QUD232/2013 Cnc Auto Pty Ltd as Trustee For The Odendaal Family Trust Number 1 Asset Plant & Machinery Pty Ltd TBA Originating Application filed 10 May 2013
SYG934/2013 Mr Bee (Aust) as Trustee For The Mr Bee Trust; Black Bandit Pty Ltd as Trustee for the Square Circle Trust;  400 Large Pty Ltd as Trustee for the 400 Large Trust together trading as ‘Summernats Partnership’ & Anor v CMC Management Pty Ltd trading as The Capital Men’s Club Copyright Originating Application filed 3 May 2013
SYG1000/2013 Photographic Performance Company Of Australia TBA TBA Originating Application filed 9 May 2013

In the past week, the following case developments occurred:

File No. Applicant(s) Respondent(s) Type Development
NSD1124/2009 Generic Health Pty Ltd Wyeth Patents Administrative Listing: Order that further directions hearing be held on 11 June 2013
NSD1243/2011 Apple Inc. & Anor Samsung Electronics Co. Limited & Anor Patents Part heard: Further hearings set for 11 March to 13 Dec 2013
NSD308/2013 Apple Inc. & Anor Samsung Electronics Co. Limited & Anor Patents Part heard: Further hearings set through to 13 June 2013
NSD310/2013 Samsung Electronics Co. Limited & Anor Commissioner Of Patents & Ors Patents Part heard: Further hearings set through to 17 May 2013
NSD596/2009 Alphapharm Pty Ltd Wyeth Patents Administrative Listing: Order that further directions hearing be held on 11 June 2013
NSD709/2012 Samsung Electronics Co. Limited & Anor Commissioner of Patents & Ors Patents Part heard: Further hearings set through to 17 May 2013
NSD734/2013 Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare UK Ltd GlaxoSmithKline Australia Pty Ltd Patents Administrative listing: Order–  Applicant’s application for interlocutory relief be set down for hearing on 27 May 2013.
QUD762/2012 Accor Australia & New Zealand Hospitality Pty Ltd & Anor Liv Pty Ltd & Ors Trade marks Consent Orders
SAD7/2013 Emerald Grain Pty Ltd Emerald (SA) Pty Ltd & ors Trade marks Directions: Order – matter be listed for hearing on 1 July 2013 at 10.15am with three days set aside.
SAD99/2012 Lifeplan Australia Friendly Society Ltd & anor Noel Woff & ors Copyright Directions: Order – directions hearing be adjourned to Tuesday 4 June 2013
VID143/2009 Wake Forest University Health Sciences & Anor Smith & Nephew Pty Ltd Patents Administrative listing: Order: lawyers of parties obtain instructions relevant the finalisation of any unresolved issues in the proceedings & parties attend a telephone mention before the end of May 2013
VID195/2009 Sigma Pharmaceuticals (Australia) Pty Ltd Wyeth Patents Administrative listing: Order – further directions on 11 June 2013
VID873/2004 ACOHS PTY LTD UCORP PTY LTD & ANOR Copyright Adminstrative listing: Order: extension of time to orders made 11 April 2013
NSD121/2012 Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd & Anor Generic Health Pty Ltd Patents Administrative listing: Order – applicants file evidence in reply on infringement by 13 June 2013 and respondent file its evidence in reply by 13 June 2013
NSD1774/2011 Attachmate Corporation Commonwealth of Australia Copyright Administrative listing: Order: discovery/submissions/response of documents relating to interlocutory application.
NSD227/2011 Tigerturf International Ltd Fieldturf Tarkett Inc Patents Administrative listing: Order: By 14 June 2013, parties exchange marked-up copies of the affidavits/declarations that indicate their objections to the declaratory and affidavit evidence etc.
NSD403/2013 Adobe Systems Inc & Ors GF Radio Pty Limited & Ors Trade marks Directions – pleadings and timetable: listing of the proceeding for hearing at 10.15 am on 28 May 2013
NSD404/2013 Adobe Systems Inc & Ors Western Broadcasters Pty Ltd & Ors Copyright Directions: Order – extension of time to serve evidence.
NSD787/2012 Airlaw Pty Limited Australian Animal Care Systems Pty Limited & Ors Patents Directions: Order: Patent Attorney appointed by the applicant its OptiMICE system and OptiRAT system at Monash University
NSD96/2011 Fieldturf Tarkett Inc Tigerturf International Limited Patents Administrative listing: Order: By 14 June 2013, parties exchange marked-up copies of the affidavits/declarations that indicate their objections to the declaratory and affidavit evidence etc.
QUD139/2012 Leica Geosystems Pty Ltd & Ors Andrew Koudstaal & Anor Copyright Administrative listing: Order: timelines for evidence
VID1029/2012 DSM Nutritional Products, LLC Suntory Holdings Limited Patents Administrative listing: Order: DSM Nutritional Products discovery application refused. Directions hearing is adjourned to 10.15 am on 7 October 2013
VID417/2012 F & T Spagnolo Pty Ltd Trevor Ledgard Pty Ltd & Ors Patents Administrative listing: Order: a case management conference to be conducted by Registrar Luxton at 11.00am on 24 May 2013
WAD105/2013 Sovereign Hydroseal Pty Ltd & Ors H2O Control Systems Pty Ltd & Ors Patents Directions Orders:3rd Respondent, permanently restrained, from infringing claims 1 and 2 of the AU Patent 739427 + copyright works.

3rd Respondent deliver up for destruction infringing copyright works

3rd Respondent, permanently restrained from any further use of the First Applicant’s Confidential Information

Proceeding against the Third Respondent be otherwise discontinued with no order as to costs.

WAD17/2013 Schutz GMBH & Co KGAA & Anor VIP Plastic Packaging Pty Ltd & Ors Trade marks Publication of Reasons:  Order: The proceeding no longer be conducted in accordance with the fast track list directions but continue on pleadings.Further directions listed on Monday 29 April 2013
ACD52/2011 UGL Services Pty Ltd F1 Solutions Pty Ltd Copyright Administrative listing: Order: be granted leave to issue subpoenas to Mr Probir Geoffrey Dutt and Mr Mark Anthony Bain to attend and give evidence at the hearing of the matter commencing 14 June 2013.
NSD1124/2012 Enviro Pak Pty Ltd New Horticulture Pty Ltd t/as Green Pack  & Anor Design Administrative listing: Interlocutory: Order: respondents are to file and serve any interlocutory application for a stay and any supporting evidence in relation to such an application by no later than 4:30 pm on 22 May 2013
NSD1639/2007 Apotex Pty Ltd Sanofi-Aventis Patents Administrative listing: Order: Evidence in reply be extended to 17 May 2013.
NSD1981/2012 Bayer Pharma Aktiengesellschaft & Anor Spirit Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd & Ors Patents Order:Adjourned – Final Hearing Concluded, Awaiting Submissions
NSD236/2012 Bayer Pharma Aktiengesellschaft & Anor Generic Health Pty Ltd & Anor Patents Order: Adjourned – Final Hearing Concluded, Awaiting Submissions
VID1008/2011 Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited & Anor AstraZeneca AB & Anor Patents Order: each Applicant/Cross-Respondent, be permanently restrained from infringing claims 1 to 3 and 18 to 27 of the Patent.  Certificate of validity of patent issued.
VID876/2010 The Coca-Cola Company Pepsico Inc & Ors Trade marks Administrative listing: Order: The proceeding be referred to a case management conference to be conducted on 14 May 2013
NSD1660/2012 Pure Technologies Ltd & Aqua Environmental Pty Ltd Detection Services Pty Limited & Ors Trade marks Administrative listing: Order: By mid July, prospective Applicants commence proceedings in this Court for final relief relating to or arising from any of the subject matter of this preliminary discovery application dated 26 October 2012
NSD2082/2011 Australian Mud Company Pty Ltd & Anor Coretell Pty Ltd & Ors Patents Administrative listing: Order: By 16 May – respondents file written submissions which the documents or paragraphs in affidavits in relation to which a confidentiality or suppression order is sought by any of the respondents, and why.
VID332/2013 Shane Robert Miles Commissioner of Patents Patents Administrative listing: Order: evidence deadlines and matter is listed for hearing on 24 September 2013.Patent in suit
VID784/2012 Fairlight.Au Pty Ltd Peter Vogel Instruments Pty Ltd & Anor Trade marks Administrative listing: Order on deadlines.
NSD2194/2012 Bayer Pharma Aktiengesellschaft & Another Apotex Pty Ltd Patents Order:Respondent restrained from infringing claims 3 and 11 of AU patent 780330


NSD622/2012 Eli Lilly and Company & Anor Apotex Pty Ltd Patents Order: applicants file and serve any application for an interlocutory injunction seeking relief in respect of any alleged infringement of Australian Patent Number 723797 on or before 17 May 2013
SAD75/2013 Rivergum Homes Pty Ltd Coast to Coast Homes Pty Ltd & Others Copyright First directions hearing held on 10 May 2013

In the past week, the following cases were finalised:

File No. Applicant(s) Respondent(s) Type Outcome
NSD1766/2010 Cnip Pty Ltd & Anor Chan & Naylor Norwest Pty Ltd & Anor Trade marks Finalised – Discontinued/Withdrawn
VID1123/2012 MI Overseas Pty Ltd Costco Wholesale Australia Pty Ltd Trade marks Final Orders: The proceeding be dismissed.
NSD2504/2007 Tamawood Limited Habitare Developments Pty Ltd Copyright Judgment handed down on 7 May 2013.  Judgment
VID411/2012 Fun City Pty Ltd & Anor Margaret Anne Trewin & Ors Trade marks Order: Finalised- dismissed by consent.
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