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Australian IP Litigation Round-Up 14 June 2013

An Australian Intellectual Property Litigation Round-Up from the Commonwealth Courts portal as of 14 June 2013.

We advise our clients (whether as IP owners or as alleged infringers) and act for them in relation to patent litigation, trade mark litigation, registered design litigation, domain name, plant breeder’s rights, confidential information and copyright litigation.  Contact us here for more information on how we may be able to assist you.

In the past week, the following intellectual property cases were commenced in the week ending 14 June 2013:

File No. Applicant(s) Respondent(s) Type Details
NSD1010/2013 Vringo Infrastructure INC ZTE (Australia) Pty Ltd Infringement First Directions set for 22 July 2013
VID506/2013 Astellas Pharma Inc Sandoz Pty Ltd Patents Originating Application filed
NSD1025/2013 Emperor Sports Pty Limited Helmut Michael Fleig & Ors Patents Interlocutory Hearing set for 21 June 2013
QUD324/2013 Peanut Company of Australia Limited Michael Bauer Infringement Directions set for 18 July 2013
WAD179/2013 Galvin Engineering Pty Ltd General Electric Company Notice of Appeal filed by Applicant
SAD139/2013 Mitsubishi Motors Australia Ltd Ripponlea Motors Pty Ltd Infringement First Directions set for 18 June 2013
VID499/2013 BASF Agro B.V & Ors Environmax Technologies Pty Ltd Patents First Directions set for 2 August 2013

In the past week, the following case developments occurred:

File No. Applicant(s) Respondent(s) Type Development
NSD1243/2011 Apple Inc. & Anor Samsung Electronics Co. Limited & Anor Patents Hearings held, further hearings set for 02 September 2013 to 13 December 2013
NSD308/2013 Apple Inc. & Anor Samsung Electronics Co. Limited & Anor Patents Part Heard, further hearings set for 11 June 2013
NSD820/2013 Bitzer Australia Pty Ltd Andrew Japp & Anor Copyright Directions set for 24 June 2013
VID3/2013 Alive Girl Pty Ltd & Anor Evered Fashion & Ors Design Administrative Listing held, Directions set for 2 August 2013
NSD844/2013 Electrolux Home Products Pty Ltd Delap Impex Ltd & Ors Trade Marks First Directions set for 20 June 2013
QUD243/2013 EM Research Organization, Inc. EM Solutions Aust. Pty Ltd & Anor Trade Marks Directions set for 9 August 2013
NSD1917/2011 Bohemia Crystal Pty Limited Alessi Global Pty Limited Trade Marks Directions set for 01 August 2013
NSD121/2012 Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd & Anor Generic Health Pty Ltd Patents Administrative Listing held, Directions set for 11 September 2013
SAD99/2012 Lifeplan Australia Friendly Society Ltd & anor Noel Woff & ors Copyright Directions set for 15 August 2013
VID317/2013 Blue Gentian LLC Product Management Group Pty Ltd Patents Directions set for 02 August 2013
VID900/2010 Rea Group Ltd & Anor Real Estate 1 Ltd & Ors Trade Marks Judgement madeClick here for Judgement
VID488/2012 Seafolly Pty Limited Fewstone Pty Ltd Copyright Hearing held, further hearings set for 17 to 19 June 2013
VID386/2013 DSM Nutritional Products, LLC Suntory Holdings Limited Appeals – Intellectual Property Hearing set for 10 July 2013
NSD820/2013 Bitzer Australia Pty Ltd Andrew Japp & Anor Copyright Directions set for 24 June 2013
NSD1941/2012 Raytheon Company Lockheed Martin Corporation Trade Marks Administrative Listing, Directions and Interlocutory Hearing held, Judgement made.Click here for Judgement
NSD844/2013 Electrolux Home Products Pty Ltd Delap Impex Kft & Ors Trade Marks Interlocutory Hearing held, Judgement set for 17 June 2013
VID611/2012 Louis Vuitton Malletier Sonya Valentine Pty Ltd & Ors Trade Marks Directions held
NSD763/2013 Apotex Pty Limited Northwestern University & Ors Patents First Directions held, Directions set for 10 June 2014
NSD734/2013 Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare UK Ltd GlaxoSmithKline Australia Pty Ltd Patents Directions held, Interlocutory Hearing set for 17 July 2013
ACD52/2011 UGL Services Pty Ltd F1 Solutions Pty Ltd Copyright Hearing held, Administrative Listing set for 18 June 2013

In the past week, the following cases were finalised:

File No. Applicant(s) Respondent(s) Type Outcome
NSD474/2011 Gram Engineering Pty Ltd Bluescope Steel Limited Design Finalised – Granted/AllowedThe Court declares that in applying an obvious imitation of Australian Registered Design No. 121344S (the Design) to the fencing panel sheet product known as the “Smartascreen Panel” (a sample of which is Exhibit D in this proceeding) (Smartascreen Panel), and by selling, offering and keeping for sale the Smartascreen Panel during the period 16 April 2005 to 8 February 2010 (the Period), the Respondent has infringed the Design during the Period.
NSD1417/2012 Knott Investments Pty Ltd & Others Winnebago Industries, Inc Notice of Appeal – Intellectual Property Finalised – Granted / AllowedJudgement made

Click here for Judgement

NSD673/2011 Apotex Pty Ltd Astrazeneca AB & Anor Patents Finalised – Granted / Allowed in Part – Other Orders Made
NSD2342/2011 Watson Pharma Pty Ltd AstraZeneca AB Patents Finalised – Granted / Allowed in Part – Other Orders Made
NSD208/2012 AstraZeneca AB & Anor Ascent Pharma Pty Ltd Infringement Finalised – Granted / Allowed in Part – Other Orders Made
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