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Australian IP Litigation Round-Up 15 February 2013

An Australian Intellectual Property Litigation Round-Up from the Commonwealth Courts portal as of 15 February 2013.

We advise our clients (whether as IP owners or as alleged infringers) and act for them in relation to patent litigation, trade mark litigation, registered design litigation, domain name, plant breeder’s rights, confidential information and copyright litigation.  Contact us here for more information on how we may be able to assist you.

The following intellectual property cases were commenced in the week ending 15 February 2013:

File Number Applicant(s) Respondent(s) Type Status
SYG239/2013 The Unit Australia Pty Ltd Bell Potter Securities Ltd Copyright Application made, First Court Date set for 11 April 2013
QUD80/2013 King Par, LLC Brosnan Golf Pty Ltd Trade Marks Originating Application filed, Directions set for 12 March 2013


In the past week, the following case developments occurred:

File Number Applicant(s) Respondent(s) Type Development
NSD48/2013 Gilead Sciences Australia Pty Ltd Idenix (Cayman) Ltd & Ors Patents First Directions heard, further Directions set for 19 March 2013
VID59/2013 Spa Industries Pty Ltd as Trustee for the Spa Industries Unit Trust & Anor T&G Enterprises (Vic) Pty Ltd Infringement Administrative Listing held, Directions set for 19 April 2013
VID1008/2011 Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited & Anor AstraZeneca AB & Anor Patents Directions heard, further directions to be held 19 February to 27 March 2013
NSD1386/2012 Esco Corporation & Anor Bradken Resources Pty Limited & Anor Patents Directions heard
NSD361/2012 Phonographic Performance Company of Australia Ltd Commercial Radio Australia Limited Appeal – Copyright Final hearing concluded, awaiting submissions, Directions set for 21 February 2013
NSD3/2011 Research Affiliates LLC Commissioner of Patents Patents Adjourned – Final Hearing  Concluded, Awaiting Submissions;

Appeal against the Commissioner’s decision be dismissed with costs; View judgement here

NSD2332/2011 Research Affiliates LLC Commissioner of Patents Patents Adjourned – Final Hearing  Concluded, Awaiting Submissions;

Appeal against the Commissioner’s decision be dismissed with costs; View judgement here

NSD113/2011 Cantarella Bros Pty Limited Modena Trading Pty Limited Trade Marks Adjourned – Final Hearing  Concluded, Awaiting Submissions; Directions set for 21 February 2013;

View judgement here

NSD1243/2011 Apple Inc. & Anor Samsung Electronics Co. Limited & Anor Patents Directions held, further hearings set for 25 February to 14 June 2013
NSD51/2012 Apotex Pty Ltd Les Laboratoires Servier Patents Case Management Conference held, further Conference to be held on 8 March 2013
WAS136/2009 Schutz Australia Pty Ltd & Ors VIP Plastic Packaging Pty Ltd & Anor Trade Marks Case Management Conference held, Interlocutory Hearing set for 02 April 2013
QUD455/2012 Ellen G White Estate, Inc Brendan Paul Knudson Copyright Interlocutory Hearing held, Hearing set for 26 March 2013
SAD224/2012 Harcourts WA Pty Ltd Roy Weston Nominees Pty Ltd Trade Marks Directions heard, further Directions set for 28 March 2013
NSD304/2012 The White Company (UK) Limited White Homewares Pty Lt Trade Marks Directions heard
NSD303/2012 The White Company (UK) Limited White Homewares Pty Lt Trade Marks Directions heard
NSD1048/2012 Novartis AG & Ors Hospira Pty Limited Patents Directions heard
NSD1207/2012 Novartis Ag & Anor Hospira Pty Limited Patents Directions heard
NSD2024/2012 Novartis AG & Anor Apotex Pty Limited Patents Directions heard
NSD904/2012 Bayer Pharma Aktiengesellschaf Genentech, Inc Patents Directions heard
NSD1816/2004 S.P.I. Spirits (Cyprus) Ltd Spirits International N.V. & Anor Trade Marks (Cross Claim) Judgement made (Adjourned – pre hearing), Further Directions to be held on 26 February 2013
NSD1941/2012 Raytheon Company Lockheed Martin Corporation Trade Marks Directions heard, further directions set for 7 March 2013
NSD1743/2012 Barclays Bank PLC Barclays Business Brokers Pty Ltd & Ors Trade Marks Directions heard
VID1469/2011 Graham’s Factree Pty Ltd Oak Enterprises Infringement Case Management Conference held
NSD96/2011 Fieldturf Tarkett Inc Tigerturf International Limited Patents Case Management Conference held
NSD227/2011 Tigerturf International Ltd Fieldturf Tarkett Inc Patents Case Management Conference held



In the past week, the following cases were finalised:

File Number Applicant(s) Respondent(s) Type Outcome
NSD643/2010 Cancer Voices Australia & Anor Myriad Genetics Inc & Ors Patents Finalised

Click here for our report on this case posted earlier today. Judgement will be published later today.

NSD784/2012 Yperion Technology SAS Luminex Pty Limited & Ors Intellectual Property Finalised – Granted/Allowed by Consent



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