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Australian IP Litigation Round-Up 25 May 2013

An Australian Intellectual Property Litigation Round-Up from the Commonwealth Courts portal as of 24 May 2013.

We advise our clients (whether as IP owners or as alleged infringers) and act for them in relation to patent litigation, trade mark litigation, registered design litigation, domain name, plant breeder’s rights, confidential information and copyright litigation.  Contact us here for more information on how we may be able to assist you.

In the past week, the following intellectual property cases were commenced in the week ending 24 May 2013:

File No. Applicant(s) Respondent(s) Type Details
NSD890/2013 Novartis AG & Ors Bayer Australia Limited Patents First Directions set for 28 June 2013
VID387/2013 Feggari Pty Ltd Modelco Pty Ltd Trade Marks Scheduling Conference set for 18 July 2013
VID383/2013 Ten Minutes By Tractor Wine Co Pty Ltd Bailleiu Vineyard Pty Ltd Trade Marks Directions set for 14 June 2013

In the past week, the following case developments occurred:

File No. Applicant(s) Respondent(s) Type Development
NSD709/2012 Samsung Electronics Co. Limited & Anor Commissioner of Patents & Ors Patents Part Heard, further hearings set for 11 March to 14 June 2013
NSD1243/2011 Apple Inc. & Anor Samsung Electronics Co. Limited & Anor Patents Part Heard, further hearings set for 11 March to 14 June 2013
NSD308/2013 Apple Inc. & Anor Samsung Electronics Co. Limited & Anor Patents Interlocutory Hearing held, further hearings set for 11 March to 13 June 2013
NSD310/2013 Samsung Electronics Co. Limited & Anor Commissioner Of Patents & Ors Patents Part Heard, further hearings set for 11 March to 14 June 2013
NSD48/2013 Gilead Sciences Australia Pty Ltd Idenix (Cayman) Ltd & Ors Patents Administrative Listing held
NSD1829/2012 Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Limited Konami Australia Pty Ltd Patents Directions held
NSD722/2010 Faiveley Transport Australia Ltd New York Air Brake Corporation Patents Administrative listing held, Directions set for 14 June 2013
VID417/2012 F & T Spagnolo Pty Ltd Trevor Ledgard Pty Ltd & Ors Patents Case Management Conference set for 31 May 2013
NSD622/2012 Eli Lilly and Company & Anor Apotex Pty Ltd Patents Directions held, Directions set for 21 June 2013
NSD1441/2012 The College of Law Limited Australian National University Trade Marks Judgement made, Adjourned – Pre-HearingClick here for judgement
SAD75/2013 Rivergum Homes Pty Ltd Coast to Coast Homes Pty Ltd & Others Copyright Directions and Interlocutory Hearing held, Directions set for 12 July 2013
VID729/2012 S T Couplers Limited & Anor Elite Attachments Australia Pty Ltd Infringement Mediation held, Directions set for 31 May 2013
NSD820/2013 Bitzer Australia Pty Ltd Andrew Japp & Anor Copyright Directions held, Directions set for 03 June 2013
NSD121/2012 Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd & Anor Generic Health Pty Ltd Patents Interlocutory Hearing held
VID1108/2012 Leah Madden Seafolly Pty Ltd Appeals – Intellectual Property Full Court Hearing held, Adjourned – Judgement Reserved
VID143/2009 Wake Forest University Health Sciences & Anor Smith & Nephew Pty Ltd Patents Mention
NSD537/2013 Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Ltd Ainsworth Game Technology Limited Patents Directions, First Directions set for 25 June 2013
NSD1875/2012 Lift Shop Pty Ltd Easy Living Home Elevators Pty Ltd Trade Marks Directions held, Pre-Trial Conference set for 26 July 2013
VID421/2012 BASF Agro BV, Arnhem (NL), Wadenswil Branch Imtrade Australia Pty Ltd Patents Mediation held, Finalised – Resolved; Directions set for 31 May 2013
NSD2147/2011 Versatile Homes Pty Ltd & Ors RCMD Pty Ltd & Ors Copyright Directions held, Directions set for 03 July 2013
WAD136/2009 Schutz Australia Pty Ltd & Ors VIP Plastic Packaging Pty & Anor Trade Marks Administrative Listing held, Directions and Interlocutory Hearing set for 18 June 2013

In the past week, the following cases were finalised:

File No. Applicant(s) Respondent(s) Type Outcome
VID411/2012 Fun City Pty Ltd & Anor Margaret Anne Trewin & Ors Trade Marks Finalised – Dismissed by Consent
NSD1145/2012 DC Comics Cheqout Pty Limited Trade Marks Finalised – Granted/AllowedClick here for Judgement
NSD111/2011 Beadcrete Pty. Ltd Fei Yu Trading As Jewels 4 Pools & Ors Patents Finalised – Granted/Allowed in Part – Other Orders MadeClick here for Judgement
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