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Australian IP Litigation Round-Up 3 May 2013

An Australian Intellectual Property Litigation Round-Up from the Commonwealth Courts portal as of 3 May 2013.

We advise our clients (whether as IP owners or as alleged infringers) and act for them in relation to patent litigation, trade mark litigation, registered design litigation, domain name, plant breeder’s rights, confidential information and copyright litigation.  Contact us here for more information on how we may be able to assist you.

In the past week, the following intellectual property cases were commenced in the week ending 3 May 2013:

File No. Applicant(s) Respondent(s) Type Details
VID317/2013 Blue Gentian LLC Product Management Group Pty Ltd Patents Originating Application filed
VID332/2013 Shane Robert Miles Commissioner of Patents Patents Originating Application for Relief Under Section 39B Judiciary Act 1903


IP Australia Decision

NSD734/2013 Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare UK Ltd GlaxoSmithKline Australia Pty Ltd Patents Originating Application Filed + Interlocutory Application.

Interlocutory to be heard on 6 May.

VID325/2013 Glass Vice Holdings Limited Jay Marc Industries Pty Ltd & Anor Patents Originating Application filed


In the past week, the following case developments occurred:

File No. Applicant(s) Respondent(s) Type Development
NSD1243/2011 Apple Inc. & Anor Samsung Electronics Co. Limited & Anor Patents Interlocutory Hearing part heard on 2 May. Order: Apple’s Notice to Produce dated 24 April 2013 be set aside.  Further hearings set for 11 March to 13 Dec 2013
NSD1429/2011 Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Ltd Konami Australia Pty Ltd Patents Administrative Listing: Directions hearing scheduled for 24 May.
NSD1517/2007 Mainline Corporate Holdings Ltd Fexco Merchant Services & Ors Patents Administrative Listing: Order – Applicant to file Evidence in answer re proposed amendments to specification. Patent
NSD1639/2007 Apotex Pty Ltd Sanofi-Aventis Patents Administrative Listing: Directions hearing: Order: Commonwealth file Points of Claim by 17 May 2013; Respondents file Points of Defence by 14 June 2013.
NSD1829/2012 Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Limited Konami Australia Pty Ltd Patents Administrative Listing: Directions hearing set for 24 May 2013.
NSD308/2013 Apple Inc. & Anor Samsung Electronics Co. Limited & Anor Patents Interlocutory Hearing part heard on 2 May. Order: Apple’s Notice to Produce dated 24 April 2013 be set aside.  Further hearings set through to 13 June 2013
NSD310/2013 Samsung Electronics Co. Limited & Anor
Commissioner Of Patents & Ors


Patents Part Heard, further hearings set for 11 March to 17 May 2013
NSD320/2013, Inc Flowerscorp Pty Ltd Trade marks Administrative Listing: Directions hearing set down for 24 May 2013
NSD709/2012 Samsung Electronics Co. Limited & Anor Commissioner of Patents & Ors Patents Part Heard, further hearings set through to 17 May 2013
VID1008/2011 Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited & Anor AstraZeneca AB & Anor Patents Administrative Listing: Judgment set for 13 May 2013.
VID638/2012 Cavallini Papers & Co, Inc Zetta Florence Trading Ptd Ltd & Ors Copyright Finalised – Discontinued / Withdrawn: Order that 2nd, 3rd, 4th Respondents & Zetta Florence

forever refrain from applying the name CAVALLINI or CAVALLINI & CO, without the Applicant’s consent etc

VID644/2012 British American Tobacco Australasia Limited Khaled Ahmad Taleb & Ors Trade marks Administrative Listing: Order: Applicant file application to fix damages and costs by 8 May.

Respondent file affidavits in answer by 22 May.

Applicant file affidavits in reply by 5 June.

Parties file outline of submissions by 11 July.


VID765/2010 ACP Machinery Australia Pty Limited Aerospace Technologies of Australia Limited Copyright Part Heard: Adjourned – Judgment Reserved  on 1 May
NSD1669/2012 Mercedes Pearl Esma Corby & Ors Allen & Unwin Pty Ltd Copyright Variation of previous Orders:

All books in possession of Allen & Unwin be destroyed save for 12 copies to go to Corby’s Solicitors.

NSD2035/2012 Apotex Pty Limited Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp & Anor Patents Directions: Order: Merck Sharp & Dohme (Australia) Pty Ltd be joined as the 4rd Respondent.

Case management conference set down for 18 June 2013.

VID765/2010 ACP Machinery Australia Pty Limited Aerospace Technologies of Australia Limited Copyright Part Heard: Adjourned – Judgment Reserved
VID990/2011 Vendor Advocacy Australia Pty Ltd Peter Seitanidis Copyright Directions Hearing: Order: Leave granted to Applicant to re-open case and file further evidence.


Further hearing of the proceeding set for 20 May 2013

NSD1124/2012 Enviro Pak Pty Ltd New Horticulture Pty Ltd t/as Green Pack Design Subpoena Orders: Uplift – leave to uplift documents on conditions

Inspect – leave to inspect and copy in the Registry

VID765/2010 ACP Machinery Australia Pty Limited Aerospace Technologies of Australia Limited Copyright Adjourned – Judgment Reserved
NSD51/2012 Apotex Pty Ltd Les Laboratoires Servier Patents Administrative Listing: Order:  By 10 May, Servier file list of docs in the categories for discovery marked Annexure ‘A’. Apotex to file any further evidence in answer 21 June 2013.

Servier file and serve any evidence in reply by 27 July 2013

QUD762/2012 Accor Australia & New Zealand Hospitality Pty Ltd & Anor Liv Pty Ltd & Ors Trade marks Directions
SYG3033/2012 Naomi Ann Frost Lowes – Manhattan Pty Ltd Copyright Order: proceedings be dismissed
NSD1368/2010 Adidas AG & Anor Pacific Brands Footwear Pty Limited Trade marks Judgment: 3 May 2013 @ 9:30AM
NSD395/2011 Vehicle Monitoring Systems Pty Limited Sarb Management Group Pty Ltd T/A Database Consultants Australia Patents Judgment: 3 May 2013 @ 14:15 PM
VID611/2012 Louis Vuitton Malletier Sonya Valentine Pty Ltd & Ors Trade marks Directions
VID768/2010 Connect TV Pty Ltd All Rounder Investments Pty Ltd & Ors Copyright Judgment: 3 May 2013 @ 16:15 PM


In the past week, the following cases were finalised:

File No. Applicant(s) Respondent(s) Type Outcome


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