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Australian IP Litigation Round-Up 8 June 2012

An Australian Intellectual Property Litigation Round-Up from the Commonwealth Courts portal as of 8 June 2012.



In the past week, the following intellectual property cases were commenced:

File Number Applicant Respondent Type Status
NSD787/2012 Air Law Pty Limited (ACN 050 108 444) Animal Care Systems, Inc and Australian Animal Care Systems Pty Limited (ACN 113 225 059) Patents Originating application has been filed, directions set for 29 June 2012




In the past week, the following case developments occurred:

File Number Applicant Respondent Type Development
VID364/2012 LONSDALE AUSTRALIA LIMITED Paul’S Retail Pty Ltd (ACN 114 419 242) andPw Inventory Pty Ltd (ACN 128 572 341) Trade Marks Judgement adjourned on 5 June 2012, parties directed to give final orders by 12PM 8 June 2012
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