Australian Trademark Opposition Round-Up 25 October 2012

An Australian Trademark Opposition Round-Up from the Trade Mark Office Journal dated 25 October 2012.

If you wish to oppose the registration of trade marks of others, or if your own applications have been opposed by third parties, please contact us.


Opposition Filed


Trademark Applicant Opponent
1383014 Delegat’s Wine Estate Limited. Accolade Wines, Premium Wine Brands, Treasury Wine Estates, Australia Vintage Limited
1480493 AUSTRALIA POST DIGITAL 1480496 DIGITAL AUSTRALIA POST  1480632 AUSTRALIA POST DIGITAL MAILBOX Australian Postal Corporation. Digital Post Australia Pty Limited
1314853 BELLE PROPERTY Bauer Consumer Media Limited Belle Property Australasia Pty Limited
1451593 Audio Bay Bollard, Tim. eBay Inc.
1462069 v money Bombardieri, Carmelo. Virgin Enterprises Limited
1481076 Boutsakis Nominees Pty Ltd. Cub Pty Ltd
1477987 Brand New You International Pty Ltd. Pty Ltd
1369338 BuildItEco Holdings Pty Ltd. Emily Kong
1481729 Cha-Ching 1481844 Cha-Ching Cha Cha Money Pty Ltd. Commonwealth Bank Of Australia
1395999 Dissh Pty Ltd. Blur (a partnership)
1465711 Eclipse Retractable Screens Pty Ltd. Eclisse SRL
1480633 JOE FRESH Goodfellow, Tim. Gaz & Jo Intellectual Property Holdings Limited
1466501 COLORSEAL Gram Engineering Pty Ltd. BlueScope Steel Limited
1466503 COLORSEALED Gram Engineering Pty Ltd. Bluescope Steel Limited
1481473 RUBI MICHEL 1482720 RUBI MICHEL SEPARATES BY MR K Khedoori, Frederick. Rubi Shoes Pty Ltd
1497900 DEBT DOCTOR KiwiDebt Limited. Debt Rescue Pty Ltd
1481471 SINGLE ORIGIN Krivitsky, Alexander. Single Origin Pty Ltd
1481911 Lambley, Rachel Mhari. Japan Tobacco Inc.
1480997 Leading Value Pty Ltd. Apple Inc.
1480848 McWILLIAM’S HAYFIELD McWilliam’s Wines Group Limited. The Scotch Whisky Association
1479352 CHRISTINE McQUEEN 1479355 Metropolitan Investment Group Pty Ltd. Autumnpaper Limited
1333563 MARQ Morgij IP Pty Ltd. Marquee (Aust) Pty Ltd
1481023 Odlo Sportswear Murning, Henry. Odlo International Ag
1427288 NexTag, Inc. a Delaware corporation. Next Retail Limited
1481497 PRONTO PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS Penline-Mon Ami (Australia) Pty Limited. Pronto Software Pty Ltd
1481225 DURASOCK Pussyfoot Socks Pty Ltd. Wolverine World Wide Inc
1476108 RED HAWK Red Bull GmbH. Chia Khim Lee Food Industries Pte Ltd
1458022 Strategic Marketing & Advertsing. Niaz Jalal
1386411 CHATEAU PALMER Societe Civile du Chateau Palmer a Limited Liability Company of the Chateau Palmer. Greenvale Enterprises Pty Ltd
1474443 SCRUFFS The Reject Shop Limited. Riche Copains Distribution Limited
1411425 UNLEASH Unleash Solar Pty Ltd. The Coca-Cola Company
1480866 Coolibah Whiston, Scott. Coolibar, Inc.
Trademark Applicant Opponent
1334598 DERMALEX Chefaro Ireland Ltd. Valeant Pharmaceuticals North America
1464897 DP Healthcare Solutions Pty Ltd. Caremed Supply Inc.
1094343 Herbalife International, Inc. a Nevada corporation. Adidas AG
Trademark Applicant Opponent
1114029 Millennium & Copthorne International Limited. Kingsgate Hotel Group Ltd
1409175 CROWN DIPLOMAT CUB Pty Ltd. Barberton Consultores E Servicos LDA
Trademark Applicant Opponent
1346590 Australia Quest Group Let’s Talk Entertainment Agency Pty Ltd. CMP Investments Pty Ltd
1324088 Boat Bunnies Westmoreland, Susan-Jane. Playboy Enterprises International, Inc.



Opposition Discontinued

(Proceeding to registration/protection)




Opposition Dismissed

(Proceeding to registration/protection)



Opposition (Trademark Refused)