Raising the Bar Bill passes Parliament

On 20 March 2012 the Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Raising the Bar) Bill 2012 was passed by the House of Representatives. It is likely that the Bill will receive the Governor General’s assent and become law in the next few weeks.

FFC puts hot potato to rest

The Full Federal Court has clarified a drafting error in the transitional provisions of the Plant Breeder’s Rights (PBR) Act 1994 in Elders Rural Services Australia Limited v Registrar of Plant Breeder’s Rights [2012] FCAFC 14.

Senate passes “Raising the Bar”

The much anticipated “Raising the Bar” Bill was passed by the Senate last night without amendment. It is expected to go to the House of Representatives later this week, with Royal Assent to follow shortly thereafter.

NZ hearings decisions now available online

Decisions of the Commissioner (Hearings Decisions) are now available online and can be accessed via the IPONZ website. Search facilities include: The ability to search for key words across multiple decisions Ability to download the decisions in document (RTF) format Improved indexing of decisions by year and descriptions of opposition and parties Links where applicable to …
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