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Celebrating World IP Day | Sharing the experiences and inspirations of women in IP

Click here to view ‘Women in Innovation’ online

Today, 26 April 2018, is World Intellectual Property Day. This year’s theme is ‘Powering change: Women in innovation and creativity’, celebrating the brilliance, creativeness, passion and courage of the women in intellectual property.

In recognition of this day, we have created an electronic booklet to unite, inspire and drive change, shaping our common future. The booklet showcases women in intellectual property from around the world, highlighting their experiences, observations and words of advice through a collection of short interviews.

Women from leading Australian organisations and international IP firms share their insights on topics such as:

We encourage you to share this booklet within your own networks to spread the word, and together, we can drive change.


“Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects.” – Dalai Lama XIV


“I will always remember a comment made to me by a US attorney. She told me “You’ve succeeded by being yourself, never change that.”  It seems like such a simple piece of advice, but really brings home the realisation that in what is a traditionally middle-class, white male dominated career, there is actually a place for everybody with every personality type.  There is always a place for those who are true to themselves because you bring a perspective that is different to everybody else.” – Jane Wainwright, Potter Clarkson

“I think over the last 20 years the increasing number of women in IP has helped to break the old mentality of ‘full-time or nothing’, and now there is some accommodation of flexible work hours (although there is still progress to be made).”  Simone Tyndall, CSIRO



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