Securing your intellectual property (IP) rights is just the beginning of your journey to capitalising on your investment. We help clients at every stage of the commercialisation process, whether you have under-utilised IP assets or an IP portfolio, but no clear commercial strategy.

We offer the full suite of commercialisation services, including accessing grants and assistance programs, business development services, monetising IP assets and providing practical and commercially-focussed advice on your existing IP portfolio.

Our aim is to make this process uncomplicated and rewarding, helping you get the most out of your IP investment.


Once you have an idea, the first step is to assess what the potential market is for the product. In order to do this you need to understand the competitive landscape and where your idea might fit within that market. We can help save you time, effort and money through:

  • competitive market assessments
  • scans of current products and services
  • a preliminary assessment of the protectability and commercial potential of the idea
  • drafting product/service specifications.


As a specialist IP firm, our key services can be used to help protect your idea. We can help with:

  • drafting and filing innovation patents
  • drafting and filing patents
  • searching, developing and registering trade marks
  • valuing your IP.

Opportunity development

Once your idea is described and protected, the key is to develop a ‘go to market’ model that will show you the steps that need to take place to develop the commercial potential of your idea. We can help with:

  • commercial and/or legal due diligence
  • development and validation of a business plan
  • identifying the funding you will need to take the idea forward.


Once you have your idea described, protected and a business plan in place, then you can go to look for funding. You may well have some sources of your own or we can use our networks to help you find the right combination of grants, investment capital and/or debt to take your idea to market.

Business development

One of the many decisions to be made is whether to pursue the idea alone or to enter into partnerships, joint ventures or other licensing arrangements. We have access to a long list of local, national and international clients who may be interested in working with you in markets around the world. Similarly, our close working relationships with venture capitalists, accountants, bankers and commercialisation consultants can help us find the right advice you need. Our dedicated law firm can help provide you with all the advice and agreements necessary to protect your investment.

Education and training

Our professionals are at your disposal to provide ongoing specialist training in all areas of idea development and protection.

*Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.