Licensing, transactions and technology
Once you’ve secured your intellectual property rights for your business the next step is to commercialise your intellectual property – that’s where Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick Lawyers (POFL’s) commercial team can assist you.
Commercialising intellectual property or technology can present unique issues that involve elements of contract law, competition and consumer law, confidentiality, privacy law, and intellectual property law. Your intellectual property is what makes your business, so any commercialisation needs to reflect the importance of your assets. Our extensive experience in understanding the way in which these elements both work together and conflict make us well placed to assist you with achieving your commercialisation outcomes and strategic goals as efficiently as possible.
Licensing and Transactions
Contracts are essential to the day-to-day operation of any successful business. Therefore, the drafting, negotiation and management of contracts is crucial. Our commercial team is able to assist with drafting and negotiation of all types of contracts needed to manage or exploit your intellectual property rights.
Day-to-day, we draft and negotiate licensing and sale agreements, and prepare confidentiality agreements and assignments. If you are looking to sell or purchase a business, we investigate the business’s intellectual property (IP) rights and advise you on their scope, identifying any steps that need to be taken to document those rights fully.
We have a detailed understanding of IP law that most general lawyers cannot match. We also have instant access to technical expertise within POF in areas such as chemistry, biotechnology, engineering and electronics, to name a few. This ensures that our advice and drafting reflects an informed view of the relevant technology.
For us, it’s all about the client outcome. Our commercial lawyers provide high quality, practical and commercially focussed advice with a strong emphasis on client service. We take great pride in negotiating a broad range of commercial contracts that are effective.
*Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
Technology is an integral part of day-to-day business, whether it be through the acquisition, creation or sale of technology and software. We are here to assist you navigate this evolving world. We can assist with advice on technology, privacy, internet and cybersecurity law issues, along with drafting and negotiating relevant agreements and licenses such as software development, software licensing, and website terms of service.
*Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
Who to contact
*Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.