Commencing legal proceedings can be an important step in resolving a dispute. In some situations, it may be the only way to bring a swift end to infringing conduct that threatens to damage or destroy your business, or to prevent an infringer destroying evidence of wrong-doing.

We can represent your business in IP litigation in the Federal Court, the Federal Circuit Court, the various State Supreme Courts and on appeal before the High Court of Australia. We also act in contested matters concerning registration of intellectual property rights decided by IP Australia. Some of the multinational clients we have successfully represented in litigation include:

  • Exxon-Mobil Oil Corporation
  • Société Bic SA, and
  • Assa Abloy.

*Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Who to contact

BEng(Civil)(Hons) LLB LLM FIPTA

Adrian is an intellectual property lawyer who combines legal expertise with deep technological knowledge to advise Australian and international businesses in the resolution of commercial IP disputes.

To find out more, please contact

Adrian at

*Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.