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Intellectual Property Litigation Round-Up – 23 December 2013 to 10 January 2014

An Australian Intellectual Property Litigation Round-Up from the Commonwealth Courts portal for the period of 23 December 2013 to 10 January 2014.

We advise our clients (whether as IP owners or as alleged infringers) and act for them in relation to patent litigation, trade mark litigation, registered design litigation, domain name, plant breeder’s rights, confidential information and copyright litigation.  Contact us here for more information on how we may be able to assist you.

Please note that the information in the tables below is correct as at the date of the posting but is subject to change.  Please check the Commonwealth Courts portal for the current status of any of the cases below.


Intellectual Property Cases Commenced

File No. Applicant(s) Respondent(s) Type Details
VID1381/2013 Sunesis Pharmaceuticals Inc & Anor Commissioner of Patents Patents First Directions set for 7 March 2014
NSD2595/2013 Ausplow Pty Ltd CDG Imports Pty Ltd t/as Direct Seeding and Harvesting Equipment Patents First Directions set for 3 February 2014
NSD2611/2013 Brenton Hill John McConchie & Ors Copyright First Directions set for 4 February 2014
SYG3218/2013 Microsoft Corporation & Ors Ramez Morris Sarofeem trading as ‘PC Tele Consulting’ Copyright First Court Date set for 19 February 2014
NSD17/2014 Sealed Air Corporation Kureha Corporation Patents First Directions set for 28 February 2014


Case Developments

File No. Applicant(s) Respondent(s) Type Development
MLG1269/2013 Facton Ltd & Anor Remmy Cardin Pty Ltd Infringement 23 December 2013 Hearing of Interlocutory Application Adjourned – Judgement Reserved
NSD1639/2007 Apotex Pty Ltd Sanofi-Aventis Patents 23 December 2013 Publication of Reasons Adjourned – Pre-Hearing

Directions set for 3 February 2014

NSD1698/2013 Upaid Systems Ltd Telstra Corporation Ltd Patents 23 December 2013 Judgement Adjourned – Pre-Hearing

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Directions set for 17 March 2014

NSD227/2011 Tigerturf International Ltd Fieldturf Tarkett Inc Patents 23 December 2013 Administrative Listing Adjourned – Pre-Hearing

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Directions set for 25 February 2014

NSD96/2011 Fieldturf Tarkett Inc Tigerturf International Limited Patents 23 December 2013 Administrative Listing Adjourned – Pre-Hearing

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Directions set for 25 February 2014

NSD51/2012 Apotex Pty Ltd Les Laboratoires Servier Patents 24 December 2013 Judgement Adjourned – Pre-Hearing

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Directions set for 14 February 2014

QUD112/2011 Mizzi Family Holdings Pty Ltd Daryl Mark Morellini Patents 24 December 2013 Judgement
QUD311/2012 N & E Bowder Pty Ltd Australian Keg Company Pty Ltd Patents 24 December 2013 Judgement


Finalised Cases

File No. Applicant(s) Respondent(s) Type Outcome
SAD379/2013 Coopers Brewery Limited Australian Beer Company Pty Ltd Trade marks 8 January 2014 Administrative Listing Finalised – Dismissed By Consent

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VID1138/2013 Bruce Postle Victoria Racing Club Limited Copyright 23 December 2013 Administrative Listing Finalised – Dismissed By Consent

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