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Intellectual Property Litigation Round-Up 8 November 2013

An Australian Intellectual Property Litigation Round-Up from the Commonwealth Courts portal for the week ending 8 November 2013.

We advise our clients (whether as IP owners or as alleged infringers) and act for them in relation to patent litigation, trade mark litigation, registered design litigation, domain name, plant breeder’s rights, confidential information and copyright litigation.  Contact us here for more information on how we may be able to assist you.

Please note that the information in the tables below is correct as at the date of the posting but is subject to change.  Please check the Commonwealth Courts portal for the current status of any of the cases below.

Intellectual Property Cases Commenced

File No. Applicant(s) Respondent(s) Type Details
NSD2295/2013 Pandrol Australia Pty Limited Australian Railway Supply Company Pty Limited Trade marks First Directions set for 12 December 2013
VID1147/2013 Spraying Systems Co & Anor Spray Technologies Co (Dayangzhou) Pty Ltd Copyright Scheduling Conference set for 7 February 2014
QUD736/2013 CQMS Pty Ltd & Anor Bradken Resources Pty Limited & Anor Patents Directions set for 13 December 2013
QUD731/2013 Surveillance Guard Co Limited Jeffrey Holland Not Defined Directions set for 3 December 2013
NSD2267/2013 Sportingbet Australia Pty Ltd Tabcorp Holdings Limited Trade marks First Directions set for 26 November 2013

 Case Developments

File No. Applicant(s) Respondent(s) Type Development
NSD2098/2013 Glaxosmithkline Australia Pty Ltd Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (UK) Limited & Anor Appeal 7 November 2013 Administrative Listing Adjourned- Pre-Hearing
View orders here                   
Full Court Hearing set for 2 December 2013
NSD981/2013 Sarb Management Group Pty Ltd (T/A Database Consultants Australia) Vehicle Monitoring Systems Pty Ltd Appeal 7 November 2013 Full Court Hearing
View orders here                  Part Heard set for 8 November 2013
NSD1010/2013 Vringo Infrastructure INC ZTE (Australia) Pty Ltd Infringement 4 November 2013 Directions and Interlocutory Hearing
View orders here                 View judgement here
NSD2035/2012 Apotex Pty Limited Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp & Anor Patents 4 November 2013 Administrative Listing Adjourned- Pre-Hearing
View Orders here                          Case Management Conference set for May 2014
NSD315/2013 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd & Anor Apple Inc. & Anor Patents 4 November 2013 Interlocutory Orders
View orders here             Part Heard set for 11 November 2013
NSD987/2012 D & D Group Pty Ltd & Anor Safetech Hardware Pty Ltd & Anor Patents 4 November 2013 Administrative Listing
View orders here      Directions set for 5 December 2013
NSD1517/2007 Mainline Corporate Holdings Ltd Fexco Merchant Services & Ors Patents 5 November 2013 Case Management Conference
View orders here            Hearing set for 10 March 2014
NSD1822/2013 Halal Certification Authority Pty Limited Scadilone Pty Limited Trading As Sofra Pizza Pide & Kebab Trade marks 5 November 2013 Directions Adjourned- Pre-Hearing
View orders here        Directions set for 25 February 2014
NSD2107/2013 Halal Certification Authority Pty Limited Quality Kebabs Wholesalers Pty Limited & Ors Trade marks 5 November 2013 Directions Adjourned- Pre-Hearing
View orders here             Directions set for 25 February 2014
NSD2247/2011 Mainline Corporate Holdings Ltd Fexco Merchant Services & Ors Patents 5 November 2013 Case Management Conference
View orders here               Hearing set for 10 March 2014
SAD268/2013 Torbreck Vintners Pty Ltd David Powell Not Defined 5 November 2013 Directions Adjourned- Pre-Hearing
View orders here              Mention set for 19 November 2013
NSD2056/2013 Prime Lawyers Pty Limited Gerard Malouf and Partners Pty Ltd & Anor Copyright 6 November 2013 Administrative Listing Adjourned- Pre-Hearing
View orders here          Directions set for 12 December 2013
NSD2082/2011 Australian Mud Company Pty Ltd & Anor Coretell Pty Ltd & Ors Patents 6 November 2013 Directions Adjourned- Pre-Hearing
View orders here                            8 November 2013 Administrative Listing Adjourned- Pre-Hearing
View orders hereDirections set for 18 March 2014
NSD506/2013 Konami Gaming Inc & Anor Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Ltd Patents 7 November 2013 Administrative Listing Adjourned- Pre-Hearing
View orders here          Directions set for 3 February 2014
QUD139/2012 Leica Geosystems Pty Ltd & Anor Andrew Koudstaal & Anor Copyright 7 November 2013 Administrative Listing Adjourned- Pre-Hearing
View order here               Return of Subpoena set for 14 November 2013
VID753/2013 International Diamond Co Pty Ltd Capital City Diamond Exchanges Pty Ltd Trade marks 6 November 2013 Mediation Finalised Resolved
7 November 2013 Administrative Listing Adjourned- Pre-Hearing                View orders here                   
Directions set for 7 February 2014
VID764/2013 Clickcorp Pty Ltd Chang Xiong Zheng & Anor Trade marks 7 November 2013 Administrative Listing Adjourned- Pre-Hearing
View orders here         Scheduling Conference set for 7 February 2013
NSD2082/2011 Australian Mud Company Pty Ltd & Anor Coretell Pty Ltd & Ors Patents 8 November 2013 Administrative Listing Adjourned- Pre-Hearing
View orders here             Directions set for 8 March 2013
QUD374/2013 Peanut Company of Australia Limited G Crumpton & Sons & Co Pty Ltd& Ors Infringement 8 November 2013 Administrative Listing Adjourned- Pre-Hearing
View orders here               Interlocutory Hearing set for 3 February 2013
QUD486/2013 Courier Pete Pty Ltd Metroll Queensland Pty Ltd & Ors Design 8 November 2013 Directions Adjourned- Pre-Hearing
View orders here
VID1107/2013 AstraZeneca AB & Anor Alphapharm Pty Ltd Patents 8 November 2013 Interlocutory Hearing Adjourned- Pre-Hearing
View orders here              Directions set for 22 November 2013
VID270/2013 Rodolfo Antonio Gomez Colin Bruce Rawson & Ors Patents 8 November 2013 Directions Interlocutory orders Adjourned- Pre-Hearing
View orders here

Finalised Cases

File No. Applicant(s) Respondent(s) Type Outcome
NSD680/2013 Garford Pty Ltd YWIDAG Systems International Pty Ltd & Anor Appeal 17 July 2013 Full Court Hearing- Adjourned
View orders here                           5 November 2013 Adjourned- Judgement Reserved
SYG2463/2013 Vincent Khoury Tylor Ecruising Pty Limited & Anor Copyright 5 November 2013 Administrative Listing Finalised- Discontinued
VID581/2013 Chemco International Limited Globalone Pacific Pty Ltd Trade marks 7 November 2013 Administrative Listing Finalised-  Dismissed by Consent
View orders here
VID1008/2011 Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited & Anor AstraZeneca AB & Anor Patents 8 November 2013 Administrative Listing Finalised Dismissed by Consent
View orders here
VID154/2009 CSL Limited & Anor Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd & Anor Patents 1 October 2013 Administrative Listing Finalised-Discontinued/Withdrawn
8 November 2013 Directions
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