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New Victorian Government grant announced – The ‘Future Industries – Sector Growth Grant program’.

The Victorian Government has just announced the Future Industries – Sector Growth Grant program.

The Fund has been created to focus on increasing growth and developing high value industry sectors to further enhance Victoria’s competitive advantage by building on existing strengths in each industry sector.

Sector strategies have been developed to support these growth areas including:

The Sector Growth Grant Program provides grant funding for projects designed to support the Future Industries Sector Strategies. Specifically, projects that will:

GRANTS – There are 2 types of grants available:

Relevant activities may include but are not limited to:

Relevant activities include but are not limited to:

All funding must be matched by a minimum cash co-contribution of $1 for every $1 funded.


To be eligible for funding under either stream the application must be submitted on behalf of a consortium of organisations. Each consortium must:


To be eligible each consortium member organisation must:

Each consortium member organisation making a cash co-contribution must also be willing and able to provide financial reports for up to the last three financial years for risk assessment purposes.

Consortiums are encouraged to include a diverse range of organisations and can include:

If you are interested in finding out more about this program or have any queries, please contact Gary Twomey at or alternatively on +61 400 390741

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