BEng(Civil)(Hons) LLB LLM FIPTA

Adrian is an intellectual property lawyer who combines legal expertise with deep technological knowledge to advise Australian and international businesses in the resolution of commercial IP disputes.

BAppSc(AppChem) FIPTA

Rodney is the Manager and Team Coordinator of IP Organisers Pty Ltd. He is also a Principal of Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick.

“Intellectual Property for the Small Business” Learning Lunch

The session will provide attendees with an introduction to intellectual property rights (including trade marks and copyright), what they protect and explain why they are relevant to SMEs and start-up...

Seminar: Entrepreneurs Programme – Accelerating Commercialisation a number of biotechnology companies and has founded and transitioned several start-up companies both in Australia and the UK. Peter Batchelor – With 20 years’ experience in commercialising new...


Michael is the firm’s trade marks team coordinator. He has over 30 years of experience in the procurement and enforcement of trade mark rights in Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea, and is responsible for both the trade mark portfolios of local and international clients.