Jail time for trade mark renewal scammers

…are concerned about the legitimacy of a communication you have received, please check it against our list of unofficial registers on our website at www.pof.com.au/about-ip/unofficialregisters or contact us at attorney@pof.com.au….

Changes to the Privacy Act come into effect 12 March 2014

Commonwealth, ACT and Norfolk Island government departments and agencies service providers under Commonwealth government contracts where the contract obliges compliance with the Act foreign businesses with an ‘Australian Link’ under…

Apple does battle over APP STORE

…browse and download applications to their Apple device for a fee or for free. Would consumers have described an APP STORE in this way back in July 2008 when the

NZ hearings decisions now available online

Decisions of the Commissioner (Hearings Decisions) are now available online and can be accessed via the IPONZ website. Search facilities include: The ability to search for key words across multiple…