Terminating IP Agreements

…if the Court considers the plaintiff has already received a sufficient remedy under the Copyright Act. Under this head of damage, the court assumes the copyright owner is the owner…

POF Seminar: Practical considerations for pharmaceutical patent term extensions

...to the Productivity Commission’s recommendations regarding reform of the extension of patent term system. At this seminar, the presenters will cover: recent developments and potential changes in the patent term...

Australian Pharmaceutical Patents Expiring August 2014

…2014 Patent Assignee Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. Title Ophthalmic compositions comprising combinations of a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor and a beta-adrenergic antagonist Abstract Combinations of a B-adrenergic antagonist and a…

#fake – the rising trade of counterfeit goods

…Goods: Mapping the Economic Impact. OECD Publishing, Paris. Available at http://www. oecd-ilibrary.org/governance/trade-in-counterfeit-and-pirated-goods_9789264252653-en 2 Study led by researcher Andrea Stroppa is available via The Washington Post’s website at: https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ the-switch/files/2016/05/IG_A2016_ST2. pdf?tid=a_inl…

POF welcomes new associate, Dr Jessica Chadbourne

Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick extends a warm welcome to our new associate, Dr Jessica Chadbourne, who has recently joined our Chemistry and Life Sciences team in our Sydney office. Jessica is...