Patent and Trade Marks Attorney

Davin leads both the designs and sustainability & clean technologies teams. He joined Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick in 1992 and gained several years’ experience in patent and design searching in our information systems department.

Davin does a lot of work with manufacturing clients, from individual inventors through to large corporate entities both in Australia and internationally. He works principally on engineering matters, and his work includes the drafting of patent specifications, opinion work, the prosecution of engineering patent applications before IP Australia and other international patent offices.


Registered Australian and New Zealand Patent Attorney, 1998
Registered Australian Trade Marks Attorney, 1998
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Hons), Monash University, 1992


The Institute of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys of Australia (Fellow)
The Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc.
International Trademark Association

Service locations

Melbourne, Regional Victoria

Service areas

Patents, Designs


Civil Engineering
Clean Technology
Mechanical Engineering


Automotive engineering
Environmental technology
Separation technologies
Water treatment