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POF client leads the way in design innovation

POF client, Nufarm, has received international acclaim for the innovative design and technology of their product, QuikPourTM. Most recently, QuikPour was awarded the 2012 CITA Award for Technology Innovation (Argentina) and the 2012 Agrow Award for Best Packaging Innovation (United Kingdom). The product also received two medals at the Australian Packaging Design Awards in 2011.

QuikPour is an innovative packaging solution from Nufarm which revolutionises the way agrochemicals are delivered to farmers and the way in which chemical containers are handled and disposed. The unique design features include; a fast, safe and precise pouring mechanism, a lighter pack weight and a recyclable container.

In terms of intellectual property protection, POF’s analysis of the new design of the QuikPour pack indicated that this product would benefit from two complementary forms of registered IP protection. Design protection was filed in Australia and other countries covering the unique external shape and configuration of the QuikPour pack, including the blank form of the outer container. Design protection could not cover the internal features of the container. Therefore, patent protection was also filed in Australia covering the multilayer construction of the packaging which provides important functional and structural advantages.

POF congratulates Nufarm on this outstanding achievement in innovation.

To read more about QuikPour visit 

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