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R U OK? Day 2017

This Thursday the 14th of September, as part of POF’s commitment to health and wellbeing, we will be hosting a seminar from psychologist Geraldine Nolan for ‘R U OK? Day 2017’. The subject of the seminar, ‘Connection is Key’, will touch on recognising the early signs that you or someone you know may not be travelling well, and how to have a conversation that shows your support. It also addresses how to overcome the barriers that might prevent us from reaching out for support, and the importance of staying connected with friends, family and colleagues.

Geraldine Nolan is a Consultant Psychologist with The Centre for Corporate Health who has experience in supporting individuals and teams. The Centre for Corporate Health specialises in helping individuals and organisations increase emotional resilience and best manage psychological wellbeing. Geraldine has also worked as a Registered Psychologist providing rehabilitation services to workers with physical and psychological injuries and is also experienced in delivering services including training, assessment and counselling.  We are thrilled to be hosting her for R U OK?Day, and we look forward to the experience and expertise she brings with her.

R U OK?Day is a national reminder that we have all got what it takes to ask the question “are you ok?”, and support those around us who may be struggling. 70 per cent of Australians feel comfortable and confident enough to ask the question. But for those of us in the other 30 per cent, we can feel apprehensive or unprepared for a conversation where the person may say, “No, I’m not ok.”

This R U OK?Day, equip yourself with the skills you need to have a conversation that may just change somebody’s life by heading to and reading the four step guide for tips and advice.

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