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‘Raising the Bar’ Seminar – Adelaide

In April 2013, the most substantial changes to our patent system in more than 20 years will come into force with the introduction of The Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Raising the Bar) Act 2011.

• Existing official fees are being increased, with some new official fees being introduced
• Time periods are being shortened
• Patentability standards are being raised
• Requirements for patent specifications are being tightened

Under the new laws, inventions that might previously have been broadly protectable in Australia might now only gain very narrow protection, similar to the breadth that might be obtainable in European, US and Japanese patent applications.

The procedures and processes currently enjoyed by Australian patent applicants allowing flexibility and ample time, will be replaced by procedures that aim to give the public quicker certainty about the outcome of the patent process.

Importantly, patent applicants will be able to lock in the current (softer) patentability requirements by taking action before the implementation of the new laws in April 2013. If you have patent applications pending, or you are contemplating lodging new patent applications, it is impiortant to speak with a patent attorney as soon as possible to take advantage of the old laws and avoid having to clear the much higher bar.

If you would like to know more about the impact of Raising the Bar on Australian patent applications, please join us for a free 1 hour information seminar, followed by drinks and canapés.


Date: Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Time: 4.30 pm for a 5.00 pm start
Location: Crowne Plaza Adelaide, 16 Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide

RSVP: By Wednesday 6 February 2013

To register your attendance please reply to Abigail Price with your details.

Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick extends an open invitation to this seminar to all our clients and corporate IP practitioners. If you know of anyone else within your organisation who would be interested in attending this seminar, please feel free to forward this invitation to them.

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